Apartamento at Reform celebrating 15 years and the launch of issue #30

Apartamento is an everyday life interiors magazine, widely recognised as today's most influential, inspiring, and honest magazine.
Apartamento celebrated the launch of issue #30 and 15 years of the magazine at the Reform showroom in Copenhagen. On this occasion, we hosted an intimate dinner for 30 guests. Around the table, a group of old and new friends, collaborators, designers, and artists gathered, and chef Frederik Bille Brahe served a family-style dinner. Frederik Bille Brahe has been working with Apartamento on a number of publications, recipes, and his first cookbook; he also regularly cooks in his MATCH kitchen at home. The evening ended with candles and a cake made by Anton Bruusgaard.
Thanks to Iittala, Magniberg, Fora Projects, and Menu for helping us with the table setting!

Photography by Alexander Höllsberg
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