Responsible for the content

Reform Furniture Germany GmbH
Kantstraße 21, 10623 Berlin
Amtsgericht Charlottenburg – HRB 183890 B 



Responsible Author
Anders Dalskov

Reform Furniture UG

Reform Furniture UG

Anders Dalskov

VAT number

Numéro ADEME 


Numéro ADEME 

Non-binding character of information

All information and statements on this website are non-binding. The provider gives no guarantee that the information and other data on his Website is correct, complete and up to date. No legal claims result from the contents of this Internet site. Errors in content will be corrected as soon as we become aware of them. Links to other websites are not continuously monitored; therefore we accept no responsibility for the contents of linked sites. Verbal or written information given outside of a counseling relationship, are not binding. The contents of our websites and enclosing information are of a general nature.



Download of data and software

The provider cannot guarantee the correctness of data and software that can be downloaded from the website. Copies and/or downloads of websites may only be used for personal and private use and not for commercial goals.




The content of the pages of this site is under copyright protection. All kind of editing, copy or dissemination and/or public reproduction independent from the used media violates the copyright. It is not allowed to download, copy, modify, publish, send, transfer or use in any manner grafics, text, logos, picture, images etc. of this site, without the explicit approval by the owner. Please contact us via mail if you want to make use of our pictures.



Communication via email

Communication via mail might not always be secure. For instance, emails can be arrested and viewed by experienced Internet users on their way to our company’s staff. If we receive an email from you, we will assume that we are able to reply by email. Otherwise you must expressly state a different preferred method of communication. The encoding of messages following common data encryption standards (e.g. PGP) will only take part according to your explicit request and our confirmation.




No liability is taken over for damages, in particular not for direct or indirect resulting damages, loss of data, loss of profit, losses due to system or production breakdown that are caused by the use of these webpages or by download of data.

If damage through the use of the Internet pages or the downloading of data is caused through malicious intent or gross negligence, the exclusion of liability does not apply. In the event of legal disputes with fully qualified merchants resulting from the use of these Internet pages, the place of jurisdiction is the registered office of Reform Furniture in Otto Busses Vej 9, OBV 026.



Annotations regarding data protection

As a rule, you can browse all pages of the Reform Furniture website without disclosing any personal information. If your name, address or other personal data is required, you will be clearly informed. Your personal user data is used to make the services provided by Reform Furniture as easy to use as possible and to improve its services.

If you decide to give Reform Furniture personal data via internet so that, e.g., correspondence can be carried out or an order can be placed, this data is carefully and confidentially handled as required by comprehensive state regulations.

By calling up the internet website, Reform Furniture receives useful data which is stored for security purposes and possibly allows identification (for example IP address, date, time and pages viewed). This data is analyzed by Reform Furniture in order to identify the user behavior and to gather statistical information. Here, in all actions, the highest security standards possible are observed. No personal data evaluation takes place. We reserve the right to evaluate anonymous statistical records.



The sharing of personally identifiable information

If, within the framework of data processing connected with orders, data is disclosed to service providers, this data transfer is governed legal regulations and provisions and contractually by the Reform Furniture Privacy Policy. Insofar as Reform Furniture is legally obligated to disclose personally identifiable information by law, or by reason of a court order, your personal information will be disclosed to the authorized third party or parties as required. Reform Furniture will not disclose personal information to a third party for any other purposes without obtaining your express consent.



Right of revocation

If you make a request to Reform Furniture not to use your personal information for further contact and/or to delete this information, we will carry out your request. Data which is urgently required for the processing of an order or for commercial purposes are not affected by a cancellation or deletion. Please note that, in the case of a revocation, the personalized service cannot be rendered owing to the fact that the revocation requires the use of the customer data.



Links to third party websites

The Reform Furniture website contains, if necessary, links to other websites. Reform Furniture has no influence over the editorial contents of third party websites and, as follows, has no influence over whether or not the operators of such websites observe the data protection regulations.